Grouting Job

Grouting JobGrouting takes a lot of time and hard work and it is difficult to get the outcome you are looking for. However, based on the results of groutless tiling, we can assure you it’s a step you won’t want to go without.

If you have a grouting job you’re not looking forward to, there is good news coming your way. We are providing you with tips and tricks that will make your grouting job go as smoothly as possible. Read on to find out more.

Clean the Joints

Before you start to grout, make sure the joints are free of any dirt and debris. This will ensure that the grout you are applying goes on smoothly and it will make for longer lasting bonds. Use a knife to get rid of any build up before you begin your grouting job.

Choose the Right Grout

There are two types of grout, sanded and unsanded. Sanded grout is made with small particles of sand. It is best for joints that are more than 1/8” in width as it is less prone to cracking. Unsanded grout is smooth and will provide a seamless appearance in thinner joints.

Get the Mix Right for Your Grouting Job

When mixing grout, you only want to mix a bit at a time. There are two reasons for this. For one, grout dries up in about a half hour and if you mix too much a good amount will go to waste.

You must also get the consistency right. If the grout you mix is too thin, you can always add more to make it thicker. However, if you use up too much of it, you won’t have enough to add to future mixtures. As a rule, try to go for a consistency similar to smooth peanut butter.

Let the Grout Slake

After mixing the grout, let it sit for five minutes. This will allow the bonds in the mixture to grow stronger so it will have better holding power. Even though the mixture will be thicker, do not add extra water. Just mix it by hand to get it ready for installation.

Work in Sections

Working in sections will make cleaning easier. This way, you can go back to your sections and clean them before the grout dries. If you wait until your whole project is done, the grout will have dried and it will be harder to clean. It is a good idea to work for a half an hour so you can clean your section while your grout is still wet. Then take a break and do some more.

Use the Right Tools and Technique for Your Grouting Job

While some use a trowel when grouting, experts agree that a grout float does a better job. If your joints are more than 1/8”, a hard rubber float is best as this will push the grout down. A soft rubber float will be good for smaller joints as it will compact the grout into the joint more easily.

The float should be held at a 30-degree angle when tiling walls and at a 45-degree angle when tiling floors. A diagonal motion will also work well as it will minimize the risk of you digging the edges of the float into the joint to remove the grout.

Once you are done, pass the float over the joints to remove excess holding it at an 80-85-degree angle. Then leave the floor to dry for 24 hours, apply a sealant, and voila, you should have an outcome that puts a smile on your face.

Grouting isn’t easy but hopefully these tips will make it a lot less challenging. What grouting methods make your life easier? Let us help you with your grouting job.  Call for your free estimate today!

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