Grout mixing

When you are applying grout, it’s vital to take the proper steps. One wrong move, and your entire grouting project could be futile.

Mixing is especially important. If you don’t mix grout properly, it will be difficult to spread and it won’t produce those even lines you are hoping for. The tips in this article will help you mix your grout well to ensure an even appearance and a long-lasting finished product.

How to Mix Sanded and Unsanded Grout

The main difference between sanded and unsanded grout is that sanded grout has small bits of sand while unsanded grout is smooth. Sanded grout has more binding power, but it can scratch delicate surfaces like mosaic and glass, so in these instances, unsanded will be the better choice.

While the grouts are different, the steps required to mix them are the same and include the following:

  1. Measure out the amount of grout you need and pour it in an empty bucket. Mix just a fraction of what you require to ensure it doesn’t dry out.
  2. Add ¾ of the total water needed.
  3. Mix by hand using a trowel or mortar mixer. Go slowly to avoid creating air bubbles that weaken the grout.
  4. If you have an additive, such as a sealant, mix it in as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  5. Mix thoroughly so no clumps remain.
  6. The mix should have the consistency of smooth peanut putter. It should be malleable, but not dripping. If it’s too watery, add more powder.
  7. Allow the grout to sit for about 10 minutes so it can strengthen or ‘slake’.
  8. Briefly remix the grout to loosen it up and start using it immediately. If you wait too long it will harden and you won’t be able to use water to soften it up.
  9. Repeat the process as needed until you finish your project.

How to Mix Epoxy Grout

Epoxy grout is a durable grout that won’t crack, shrink, or discolor. This makes it an ideal choice for wet areas like showers. It also holds up well in high traffic areas.

Mixing epoxy grout requires a different mixing process as compared to its sanded and unsanded counterparts. Here are the steps you will need to take.

  1. Epoxy grout typically consists of two parts, an epoxy resin mixture and hardeners. Read the instructions to determine how to combine them.
  2. Combine the parts in their entirety. Do not alter proportions. Adding water and other unrecommended ingredients will alter the epoxy’s integrity.
  3. Mix slowly with a mortar mixture until thoroughly combined. Scrape the bucket to ensure all ingredients are mixed in.
  4. Do not overmix or mix too quickly. This will cause air bubbles.
  5. Once the mixture is completely combined, use it immediately.
  6. Note that the temperature will greatly affect working and curing times. If you are working in an environment below 60 degrees Fahrenheit working and curing times will be extended. If it above 90 degrees, these time frames will be significantly reduced.

These best mixing techniques for epoxy will get you on a road for success. We wish you the best of luck completing your projects. If you would like a free estimate on please contact us or call (847) 356-6928

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