Grout a Backsplash

Grout Experts: How to Grout a Backsplash for a Unique and Professional Look

A backsplash can work to give your kitchen an exciting aesthetic. You can use unique tiling, various colors and other elements to make your backsplash stand out elevating the entire look of your kitchen.

But if your backsplash isn’t well grouted, it won’t look right. It may have a sloppy appearance. Or, if the grout wasn’t installed correctly, it may begin to chip in a few months requiring an entire redo.

If you are adding an attractive backsplash to your kitchen, this article will tell you how to grout it like a pro.

Select the Grout for Backsplash

The first step is to select the grout that will work best for your project. Here are your choices.

  • Unsanded: This grout has a smooth texture and it’s best for narrow seams less than 1/8 inch wide.
  • Finely Sanded: Finely sanded grout is recommended for medium sized joints between 1/8 and 3/8 inches wide.
  • Quarry Type: This is a cement-based grout that’s ideal for treated terracotta tiles, slate or quarry tiles. It’s also good for wider grout joints between 3/8 and ½” wide.
  • Epoxy: This type of grout is made of epoxy resin and hardener. It is less porous and stain resistant than other grouts. It’s great for areas that are exposed to acids and grease, but it dries quickly making it difficult to work with.

Instructions for Grouting Backsplash

Here are the steps you will need to take when grouting your backsplash.

  1. Protect your countertops with plastic sheeting. Secure the corners with painter’s tape.
  2. Use a putty knife to mix grout in a bucket following the directions on the packaging. Once mixed, the grout should have a peanut butter like consistency. Mix a bit at a time to ensure it doesn’t dry out before its used.
  3. Work in small areas applying grout as you go. Use a grout float held at a 45-degree angle to spread the grout over tiles and fill the joints while applying firm pressure and working in an upward direction.
  4. Wait 15 minutes for grout to dry.
  5. Take a clean bucket and fill it with warm water. Dip the sponge in the water and use it to remove excess grout from tiles.
  6. Allow grout to dry completely (which should take a few hours). Once it’s completely dry, use a cloth to wipe away grout film.
  7. After 24 hours, seal the grout with a sealant. Allow the sealant to cure before using the area.
  8. Caulk the backsplash along the windows, corners and countertops by applying beads of caulk.

Now that you know how to caulk your backsplash, you are ready to create beautiful installations in your home. Where will your creativity be taking you when you start on your home project?

If you would like a free estimate on please contact us or call (847) 356-6928

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